5 Different Ways to Celebrate Halloween
Picture Courtesy of wonderfelle MEDIA
BOO! Halloween is almost here, literally right about the corner and if you’re anything like me halloween was A. Never that big in your household growing up B. Halloween parties just aren’t your thing or all the above.
Growing up we (my siblings and I) kinda weren’t allowed to celebrate halloween or should I say it wasn’t heavily enforced, sure we went trick or treating once or twice but my parents were totally fine if we didn’t know what we wanted to dress up as and skipped the holiday all together (which happened A LOT). We would even go as far as just filling up a jack-o-lantern with candy and creating a self serve ordeal outside our door for the trick-or-treaters to enjoy.
As I’ve grown older I’m most certainly aware that you can totally celebrate Halloween in more ways than attending a halloween theme party in a costume or going to freight fest at Six Flags. Below I’ll be sharing 5 different ways to celebrate the spookiest holiday of all this year:
1. Go Pumpkin Picking then head over to a mystery dinner
I recently went pumpkin picking at A. Costa Farm in Holmdel, New Jersey with my team from work! It was so much fun the first time I had ever been. We started off by picking up a bit to eat which varied from cheese fries, corn dogs, mozzarella sticks, apple cider donuts to really expensive candy corn! From there we paid five bucks to go on a hay ride (my fave part) that led to the pumpkin patch! I could easily see why this activity becomes a tradition, I definitely want to do this again next year!
To make the day longer or to turn this activity into an event, I highly suggest ditching the food and grab a hot cup of apple cider for the pumpkin patch then head over to a mystery dinner where you and friends solve a mystery while eating! I’ve never been but during this time of year a Saturday spent like this would be fine in my book.
2. Host a Scary Movie Night
All year round movie nights are a thing for me. Getting cozy on the couch with your boo or blanket (HAHA) watching movie after movie with good snacks is an easy favorite for most people! Movie nights are super easy to curate into a scary setting. To host a scary movie night you will need:
Scary Movies (I enjoy hiding under my blanket and being scared to death)
Halloween themed movies (Hocus Pocus, Halloweentown, Twitches etc)
Plenty of pillows and blankets
Something hot to drink (tea, lattes, hot apple cider or hot cocoa should do the trick)
Popcorn or even halloween themed tortilla chips with salsa of course! I found these in my local Wegmans grocery store and immediately wanted to host a scary movie night of my own!
Candy Candy Candy
Surround sound system because c’mon we need all of the scary music to heighten the experience
3. Bake Spooky Goodies
If you enjoy baking, get fancy and try halloween style desserts. There is plenty on Pinterest, however I usually take the short cut and purchase pumpkin and ghost covered Pillsbury sugar cookies.
Taking the time out to bake for others even can be so therapeutic, try it out and bring the sweets in at your office or pack them with your kids to share with their class at school. (Definitely check with the school for dietary restrictions I am not a parent thus don’t know how the schools have changed since I was a student)
4. Costume Giveaway!
The season of giving is fast approaching why not start with Halloween! There are plenty of parents who just can’t afford to purchase costumes for their children as their monthly budgets are already allotted for. You can definitely do your part of celebrating halloween by buying 1-3 inexpensive costumes and donating them to families in need or your friends with kids. I’m sure they will be super appreciative.
If you’re concerned about what time of outfit, settle for making custom candy favors and spreading the scary that way!
5. Play in Makeup
Lately I just haven’t been drawn to makeup (not sure why), but deep down I love it. I use to play in makeup for hours especially on Friday nights in high school. This season you can do the same just remixed. To practice youtube has a ton of beauty gurus that provide step by step tutorials on how you can transform into a different character. I also follow a beautiful lady by the name of Mic’a pronounced (mee-sha) whom I’m honored to know in real life and to have as my cousin; Mic’a serves up killer looks during this time as well. Take a peek below of last year:
Photo Courtesy of Mic’a’s instagram @mi.sahara