You Had Me At France
If you would have told me a year ago that earlier this month I would be in Paris, France roaming the streets and hearing a language I studied for six years I would flat out tell you that you may be a bit crazy. Well it happened, I boarded a flight at JFK on October 3, 2019 with one of my best friends to begin an adventure I’ll never ever forget.
Preparing for this trip began back in January of this year when I was first approached by the idea of going, I automatically knew that I wanted to go and it would a trip of a lifetime so I said yes with no hesitation. I was especially intrigued when I simply googled some flights and the prices were at all time low of just $320 USD yes you read that right three hundred twenty dollars of the United States round trip. These prices stayed around pretty much all year, I ended up snagging mine mid July at you guessed it $320. Briah had all the details on our amazing Air BnB settled… check out the digs below!
The Stay
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The Activities
Aside from visiting a European country, the main celebration was Briah’s 25th birthday! At the top of our list was the most obvious: visiting the Eiffel Tower. The first time I saw it, I was in the car looking at my phone and I gently raised my head outside of the window and there it was. The window was covered in rain droplets but I was still in awe, it was much bigger than I anticipated.
We scheduled a professional photoshoot and trip to the infamous Lourve museum as well. I would have to say that my favorite day in Paris aside from my girls birthday would be the day that we walked the streets in our neighborhood Le Marais. We found only the cutest and Very Niajah café called Café Gloutons. We had coffee and talked about our future lives and what we wanted most of out life. When I say this day was so fulfilling I had so much fun walking around seeing all the shops and food shopping at Franprix… speaking of food. Let’s talk about how I’m not the biggest fan of French cuisine. Briah and I frequently went to the grocery store and cooked meals at home!
Overall Experience
Minus all the rain with the exception of the photoshoot day, I am very grateful that I had the opportunity to go on this trip. It was humbling to witness yet another culture and my very first European country. With all my trips I like to learn a little bit more about myself, on this trip I learned the meaning of home, friendship and strength. Home, meaning that I am so grateful for my family and apartment I realize that I can get homesick easily. Friendship, Briah - we’ve had ups and downs but the feeling that I have when we burst into laughter tells me that when you work hard for a friendship it means even more. Strength, you have to dig deep in look within, I did this when we got lost after leaving the Lourve and both our phones died (LOL I can laugh now, I cried then haha).
If you have the chance to visit Paris, go or anywhere for that matter <3