Quick & Easy Meal Ideas For Work
Welcome to the first installation of Wellness weeks on niajah.com! I’m taking charge of my health and it all starts with what I choose to nourish my body with. This week I am giving you some foodie inspiration for the work week.
I’m not sure about you but when I pack my lunch for work I feel so productive (haha). I love not having to think about what to buy to eat and not being hungry or pondering about food during my work day. As I approach going 100% Keto I figured I’d slowly introduce myself into a healthier way of eating first. Here goes some quick and easy ideas for breakfast, lunch and snacks for work or school!
I’m not the biggest breakfast person mainly because I’m naturally not hungry in the mornings. However, I do understand how important the first meal of the day is so I’ve been making it a point to grab something and go. My absolute favorite at the moment is a cold keto vanilla shake here’s what I put in it along with a few cubes of ice to make it extra cold. In the event that I am hungry that morning I’ll throw in a banana in my Ninja as well.
Who doesn’t love a perfectly filling lunch that takes the edge off and doesn’t leave you thanksgiving full so that you’re able to get back to work without a sluggish feel. We allll do! My favorite summer lunch ideas are listed below:
Salmon + Sautéed Spinach w/ Garlic
Grilled lime chicken over a bed of lettuce
Baked Sweet Potato and Baked chicken
Guys, I am a SNACKER! I love love love having a snack when I am at work I tend to want less nosy or smelly snacks lol here is what I usually go for…
I hope you enjoyed the first of the wellness weeks’ and please let me know your favorite lunch ideas for work or a good breakfast choice in the comments!