True Life: I Launched a Candle!


Well I knew that I was returning back to the blog in September, I just didn’t know it would be September 25th. Did you miss me? It’s okay if you didn’t but I surely did miss you! This week has been a whirlwind to say the least but it was very exciting and I’m so thankful and blown away by all the support.

On Sunday September 20th through my social media, I announced to the world that I had my own product by the name of Very Airy. This candle has notes of cotton, iris and a hint of lavender - it basically smells like fresh laundry on a summer day. I didn’t know what to expect from my audience and I was super nervous. 5 hours later and I completely sold out of all my product. I tip my hat off to all product entrepreneurs these orders were no joke, but great practice to my huge restock that’s coming Mid-October!

Besides the candle launch September has been a great month, I spoiled myself with a few purchases including the Dyson vacuum I wanted, a Peloton (arriving next month) and a well deserved new MacBook (also arriving in October). Seems like Christmas came early.

Well I’m cutting this blog short, let me know if you have any questions on how I developed the VN Collection or anything else that comes to mind.

As always thank you for reading!

To Pre-Order a candle message me directly on Instagram or email